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Mrs Bagnall's Shop

Hello! Thanks for stopping by my shop. I am a primary school teacher in England, currently teaching UKS2 although I have experience across all of the primary phase. As teachers, we often spend more time in our classroom than in our own homes so I always like my space to feel welcoming and well looked-after. I have a passion for digital design and in my spare time I also enjoy designing wedding stationery and home decor which I sell on Etsy (see website link).

Hello! Thanks for stopping by my shop. I am a primary school teacher in England, currently teaching UKS2 although I have experience across all of the primary phase. As teachers, we often spend more time in our classroom than in our own homes so I always like my space to feel welcoming and well looked-after. I have a passion for digital design and in my spare time I also enjoy designing wedding stationery and home decor which I sell on Etsy (see website link).
Table Point Reward Tickets

Table Point Reward Tickets

These colourful tickets are a fun way to display the rewards available for winning the table points. The rewards can be created so that they don’t cost any money and they are a great way to encourage team work and collaboration. You could display them on the wall or issue printed copies to be redeemed at a later date.
How Berry Kind! Kindness classroom display pack

How Berry Kind! Kindness classroom display pack

This sweet (excuse the pun!) display pack is a great way to encourage pupils to show and recognise kindness around school. Simply find a space to display the kindness board and leave a pot of cards for pupils to fill in when they spot a friend being kind to others.
Growth Mindset display pack

Growth Mindset display pack

This bold and colourful growth mindset display is a perfect addition for the classroom, hall, corridor or communal area. With easy-to-read labels showing the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, children and grown-ups alike can begin to develop their learning behaviours. For an effective and ready-made display, print the labels onto A3 paper and print the brain enlarged over four pages (file included). The brain creates a focal point in the middle of the display with the labels displayed either side.